Turning C++'s switch statement into an expression

In the last few months I got involved in audio software development with C++ and the JUCE framework, and since at the same time I’ve been writing Haskell in my day job (as well as exploring other functional languages on my own) it didn’t take me long to become curious about the whole “functional programming in C++” thing.

In this post I summarise a nice little trick I came across recently while whatching talks and reading about C++.

Let’s take a look at the following code:

enum class ErrorCode { e_1, e_2, e_3 };

std::string msg;
if (errCode == ErrorCode::e_1)
    msg = "This is a fatal error.";
    msg = "This is a minor error.";

Quite common, rigth? Basically, we want to pick one from a set of alternatives to initialise a data structure (here a simple string msg), potentially doing different operations in each branch.

This is a simple, artificial example, but we can already see where the problems are:

  • the intended purpose of this code is to initialise msg depending on errCode, however, what it technically does it to initialise it with a default value and subsequently assign the desired value to it.

  • there’s nothing preventing us from using the variable msg before it gets the desired value; sure, it may not happen in this example, but it could be possible in larger, messy code.

  • even if we aren’t going to reassign msg anywhere else, the varieble is now declared as mutable.

Expressions vs Statements

The problem is that in C++ (as in most imperative languages) the if statement is, indeed, a statement and not an expression.

What this means is that if doesn’t “return” a value; instead, all it can do is change the program state in some way (for example by assigning a new value to a variable, printing something to the screen etc.). We say that it performs a side effect.

But imagine for a moment that if was as expression; if that was possible, it would directly evaluate to a value which we could use to initialise msg without intermediate steps:

const auto msg =
    if (errCode == ErrorCode::e_1)
        "This is a fatal error.";
        "This is a minor error.";

Isn’t this nicer? Notice that not only it solves all of the problems above, but it also makes the code more compact by allowing us to use auto instead of manually specifying the type of msg.

This is how things work “by default” in functional languges. For example, this is how our code looks like in Haskell:

msg = 
    if errCode == e_1
        "This is a fatal error."
        "This is a minor error."

So, can we use a similar style in C++? For this example the answer is yes, as we could simply use a ternary (or conditional) operator:

const auto msg = 
    (errCode == ErrorCode::e_1) 
        ? "This is a fatal error." 
        : "This is a minor error.";

The only problem with this is that it doesn’t scale - what if we have not only two, but more alternatives?

std::string msg;
switch (c)
case ErrorCode::e_1:
    msg = "Your memory is full.";
case ErrorCode::e_2:
    msg = "Your computer has crashed.";
case ErrorCode::e_3:
    msg = "I need a reboot!";

Now, it is obvious that a ternary operator won’t work; nesting them, on the other hand, will probably make the code too messy. So, what can we do?

Wrapping the switch statement into a Lambda

One way to rewrite our initialisation code in a more “expression oriented” manner is to wrap the switch statement into a lambda function, like this:

const auto msg = [&] {
    switch (errCode) {
        case ErrorCode::e_1:
            return "Your memory is full.";
        case ErrorCode::e_2:
            return "Your computer has crashed.";
        case ErrorCode::e_3:
            return "I need a reboot!";

It looks nice (to me at least!) and solves all of the problems above making our code more compact, self-contained and less error prone.

Also notice that, although it may look like “extra work” at first, this code is actually shorter than its “non-lambda” counterpart (mostly because we got rid of the breaks).

But what about performance? Since we now added some function-calling machinery to our code, it is indeed possible to face a performance cost. My understanding however is that compilers should be able to optimise this in such a way that the generated assembly looks pretty much the same as the one generated from the “non-lambda” version. I haven’t tried this myself though, so please take it with a pinch of salt (and do your own research/measurements if you are working on highly performance-sensitive code!).


Functional programmig is becoming more and more mainstream; not only the use of functional programming languages (such as Haskell, OCaml, F# etc.) is increasing, but, at the same time, traditional imperative languages are adopting more and more “functional” features. An example of this is Lambda functions.

This post discusses a simple trick to rewrite your switch statements in a more functional, expression-oriented style using a lambda function. Although we used C++, this should apply to other high-level imperative/O.O. languages like C#, Java etc.


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