From Haskell to Clojure, and back

During the last couple of years, I’ve been lucky enough to use Haskell and Clojure professionally (at different companies) and in both cases it’s been a very enjoyable ride.

In this post I’m going to share my two cents about the experience as well as some of the pain points I faced when transitioning from a Haskell to a Clojure codebase.


As a LISP dialect, some people dislikes Clojure’s syntax because it’s “full of parentheses”. Personally, I love it because all code follows a uniform structure…

There are literals:

"hello world"  ; a string
99             ; an integer
[1, "foo", 2]  ; a vector
foo            ; a symbol 
+              ; another symbol

and operations:

(+ 2 3)              ; adds 2 and 3
(sort [5, 2, 4])     ; sort a vector
(if true "yes" "no") ; evaluate to "yes"

each following the same structure:

(op arg_1 arg_2 ... arg_n)

and this is almost everything there is to know about syntax.

What is interesting is that any piece of Clojure code is, in fact, just a regular data structure.

For example, the code:

(add 2 3) ; evaluates to 5

is a Clojure list containing the symbol add, followed by integers 2 and 3 (this is a common concept in LISPs and is called homoiconicity).

Not only this is interesting in its own right, but it has practical advantages, too; the fact that programs are just data structures means they are easy to manipulate, transform and even generate (something called metaprogramming). This is why one of LISP’s favourite features are their macros facilities and the ability they bring to easily extend the language or even even create your own DSL.

Let’s face it though: with all the nested parenthesis, Clojure code will eventually get cumbersome to edit. This is where text editor plugins such as paredit come to the rescue by helping make sure parenthesis remain balanced while also providing a set of powerful structural editing shortcuts to manipulate code at the expression level. This may feel confusing at first, but stick to it and you’ll see how nice and useful it can be!

Haskell, on the other hand, has a more “mainstream” (or shall we say… modern?) syntax. Similarly to Python, it tries to minimise parenthesis by making indentation count when delimiting blocks of code.

One thing I particularly like about Haskell’s syntax is that it tends to look more uncluttered and similar to actual mathematical notation. For example, a function abs that returns the absolute value of its argument n can be defined in Haskell as:

abs :: Int -> Int
abs n | n >= 0    = n 
      | otherwise = -n 

which in my opinion looks a bit more readable that its Clojure counterpart:

(defn abs 
  (if (>= n 0) n -n))

Type System

One of the main differences between Haskell and Clojure is probably the fact that Haskell is statically typed while Clojure is dynamically typed.

Frankly, I believe that no approach is “better” than the other in absolute terms. Both can count on very smart people among their supporters, and while some of us engage in endless online discussions, great software gets written every day using languages in both categories.

Having said that, I shall mention that most of my experience is in statically typed languages. The first language I ever learnt was Pascal, followed by C, Java, C#, C++ and, much more recently, Haskell.

It’s no surprise then, that as I started familiarising with my first Clojure codebase I found the lack of static typing uncomfortable, and even after being introduced to schema (which essentially allow you to place runtime checks to make sure that data matches a certain “shape”), I could’t really shake off the feeling that something was missing.

Maybe it’s just me, but In Clojure-land I spent several hours tracking down trivial errors (such as a nil being erroneously passed to a function) that just don’t happen in Haskell. Also, I felt that refactoring can be a bit painful. In Haskell, things such as e.g. swapping the order of a function’s parameters tends to be trivial: make a small/incremental change, compile and then fix all the errors (broken call sites etc.). In Clojure, unfortunately, we don’t have that luxury: you can still make the change, but then is up to you to manually identify all the call sites (or whatever change is required) - an activity that can easily turn error prone and time consuming.

It should be clear at this point that my biggest frustration with Clojure at the moment is the lack of a type system (I am aware of core.typed but I understand it’s not widely used/recommended and I’ve never used it myself - I should really take a look at some point!)

Tooling & Ecosystem

When I started working in Haskell I searched for “best tools” (IDEs etc.) but couldn’t find a one-stop answer; I tried some of the existing solutions with varying degrees of success (and frustration), but eventually after reading this blog post I settled with a text editor and two terminal windows - one with a REPL and another with ghcid. This may appear to be a rudimentary setup but I found it surprisingly effective and pleasant to use.

Clojure, on the other hand, seems to benefit from a great variety of tried-and-tested IDEs (CIDER, Cursive, Calva etc.) and various other tools. The feeling I’ve got is that while many Haskell programmers are happy to stick to simpler setups (such as the text editor + ghci mentioned above), Clojure programmers tend to rely more heavily on IDEs and other tools.

Something else to be mentioned is that while Haskell compiles to native language, Clojure is a hosted language based on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) which has the advantage of providing instant access to the wider Java ecosystem including the multitude of real-world, tried-and-tested libraries and tools. This can be seen as a positive or as a negative, but there’s no doubt it can prove very useful in the right circumstances.

In conclusion, I’d say that while Haskell may appear to be a little behind in terms of tooling and ecosystem, that doesn’t necessarily mean a poor development workflow; with a strong emphasis on the type system and on a workflow revolving around a programmer-compiler dialogue, you may find that you don’t need super-advanced external tools to be productive in Haskell.

Learning curve

Haskell has a reputation for being difficult to learn, but I tend to disagree. It may be true that Haskell is different from the languages that most of us are are used to, but that doesn’t necessarily make it harder.

Some people believe that programming languages are all “the same” and that once you master one it is easy to switch to another with minor syntax adjustments. This may be true when moving between similar languages such as e.g. Java and C#, but learning a functional language isn’t just about a new syntax - it’s about learning a different way to think about programming!

Many “functional first” languages such as Scala, F# and even Clojure can make this transition smoother since they offer a mix of functional and Object Oriented features in an attempt to combine “the best of both worlds”.

Haskell however is different in that it doesn’t try to combine programming paradigms; instead, it embraces the functional programming style in its purest form. This basically means that there are no shortcuts - if you are new to it, you’ll have to step back, grab yourself a good textbook and learn with a beginner mentality, just as if you were learning how to program for the first time. Once you do however, you’ll quickly see that there’s nothing to be afraid of, not even the so dreaded monads!

Clojure, on the other hand, seems to enjoy a somehow opposite reputation. I remember reading somewhere about how any developer could learn it “on the job” in a week or two and immediately become productive. I don’t feel that’s entirely realistic either…

The language feels indeed practical and friendly and let’s face it - being able to do something like this:

(slurp "my-file.txt")             ; read from a file
(slurp "") ; read from a URL
(rand)                            ; generate a random number

without worrying about IO, monads or do blocks can feel liberating at first.

But, honestly, I don’t believe that Clojure is so much “easier” than Haskell at the end of the day. For sure, the fact that it is dynamically typed and that it allows mixing pure and impure code (unlike Haskell) can make it easier for a beginner to get started, but eventually you’ll still find yourself wondering:

  • how does REPL-driven development actually work?
  • what’s the best way to structure my code?
  • how do I take advantage of using a LISP and how do I write idiomatic code?
  • how do I make the most of macros?

and countless others…

Make no mistake: Clojure it’s a powerful programming language that comes with a rich (and sometimes confusing) ecosystem and a deep cultural heritage (remember LISP?). It may be easy to grasp the basics but if you want to get past that you’ll probably still need to set aside some time for some serious learning.

I’m fully aware that different people have different learning styles but, personally, it’s only when I started to approach learning Clojure in a more systematic way that the penny finally dropped and I started to really like it.

Industries & jobs

Both Haskell and Clojure are general purpose programming languages meaning there’s nothing preventing you from adopting them in any given field or domain. Having said that, there seem to be certain niches where they tend to get more traction then others.

This may vary depending on your location and network, but, from what I can see (and sadly there aren’t tons of Clojure or Haskell jobs around), Clojure gigs tend to be mostly at startups and involve some form of web programming - often “full-stack” with the backend written in Clojure and the frontend in ClojureScript.

On the other hand, while it is certainly possible to build web applications with Haskell, my impression is that this isn’t the primary niche. Where haskell seems to be gaining momentum instead is in fields such as finance, blockchain, compilers/interpreters/tools, formal methods etc. (and, in general, niches where safety & correctness are perceived as important).


Of all the programming languages I’ve worked with, Clojure and Haskell are without any doubt among my favourites.

I love Clojure for its LISP heritage, focus on getting things done, and the great community and ecosystem (while, sadly, I can’t help but finding the lack of a type system frustrating). I love Haskell for its conceptual elegance, focus on types and abstractions and for the emphasis on safety and correctness. Finally, I love both because, ultimately, they are fun and rewarding!

But don’t forget: at the end of the day, programming languages are just tools… a great codebase written in some “uncool” language is still better than a nasty Haskell or Clojure codebase. Similarly, a healthy, well-functioning team is better than a toxic and dysfunctional one - even if they turn out to be using the latest/fanciest/best technology.

Happy coding!


From Haskell to Clojure, and back

During the last couple of years, I’ve been lucky enough to use both Haskell and Clojure professionally (at different companies) and in both cases it’s been a...

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